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英語教學大綱規定高中畢業學生達到“能在學過的題材和語言範圍內寫短文和書信,意思連貫,拼寫正確 ,文法用詞、標點和格式基本正確”。為此,我們在高三復習的同時開展了課外英語寫作活動。以寫作來促進 文法、辭彙和句型的復習。通過點撥、誘導、啓發使學生克服了對英語寫作的畏難情緒,激發成功的樂趣和提 高了表達能力。本文以寫氣候為例。


活動一開始,我們以BookⅡ(J.)第十五課課文The Seasons為作文的範文,先讓學生閱讀模仿,然後兩人 一組用完整句子回答理解題。



Vocabulary of Weather Other Expressions

sunny warm cool It always rains in summer.

hot cold windy The flowers come out in spring.

rainy wet dry The best season of the year is spring.

cloudy mild fair It’s spring,the time when everything is growing.

Snowy It’s autumn,the time for peasants to get in the crops.


根據範文我們給學生一組問題,讓學生根據實際情況進行回答或兩人一組進行口頭作文。這組問題實際上 是口(筆)頭作文的提綱,在口頭作文的基礎上進行書面作文。 (1) How many seasons are there in you r country? (2) What are the names of the seasons? (3) How is the weather in the winte,summer ,spring and autumn? (4) What is the best season of the year? why? (5) What season do you lik e best?why ? (6) Is there anything certain about the weather in your country?



He is a fair-weather friend.

She is a rough-weather friend.

Someone is as fickle as the weather.

Everybody talks about the weather,but nobody does anything about it.


A Poem

There’s Always Weather,

There’always weather,weather,

Whether we like it or not.

Some days are nice and sunny,

Sunny and bright and hot.

Sometimes so cold and cloudy!

Will it soom snow or won’t?

If days were always just the same,

Out-of-doors Would be so tame....

Never a wild and windy day.

Never a stormy sky of gray.

I’m glad there’s weather,weather.

Dark days,then days full of sum.

Summer and fall and winter-

Weather is so much fun!

最後讓學生以The weather in…或My Favorite為題寫一篇100字左右的文章並在組內進行交流。下面選 取一篇為例。

The Weather in Our City

There are four seasons in our city. The names of the seasons arewinter,spring,summer and aut umn.In the winter it is cold and windy,andin the summer it is very bright and hot .The weather i n the spring andautumn,however,is very pleasant.It is neither too hot nor too cold.People enjoy the autumn moon and the spring breeze.One thing is certainabout the weather.It never stays the s ame.Whether we like it or not ,itis very changeable.
