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開口ABC 之 挑選禮物_英語教學論文,開口ABC 之 挑選禮物_英語教

開口ABC 之 挑選禮物

Hello! Are you ready for fun?大家好!準備好去尋找快樂嗎?

First One: What do you suggest?

When it comes to choosing gifts, most foreigners like to get other people’s advice before deciding what to buy. This is especially true when the gift is very important. Customers will often ask the salesperson to give them some choices or suggestions.


Second One: What about this one?

This sentence can be used by the salesperson to ask if a customer likes an item or can be used by a customer to ask the salesperson the price of an item.


Third One: Who is this for?

When choosing a gift it’s a good idea to consider carefully whom the gift is meant for. While your Uncle might like a new golf club, your girlfriend would probably feel like you didn’t put any thought into the gift if you bought her a new golf club especially if she doesn’t play golf. Often the price of the gift is not as important a
