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春節習俗:正月十五 上元食湯圓【雙語】

指尖上的新年(二十三):正月十五 上元食湯圓

Today is the 15th day of the 1st month in Lunar Calendar. Today is commonly celebrated by all Chinese people as Yuan Xiao Jie (元宵節) or more well known as Lantern Festival in English. This festival is also called Shang Yuan Jie (上元節).

今天是農歷正月十五。今天是所有中國人慶祝的元宵節或是在英語中更熟知的Lantern Festival.也被稱為上元節。

The 15th day of the 7th lunar month is Zhong Yuan Jie (中元節, or Hunger Ghost Festival in English) and the 15th day of the 10th lunar month is Xia Yuan Jie (下元節).


Shang Yuan Jie or Yuan Xiao Jie is a major festival in China. And the activities of Chinese New Year will reach a high point on this day.


Early on the morning of this day, there will be dragon dancing and lion dancing parades in the streets, and all the streets will be crowded with people.


The happiest moment comes in the evening of this day. In the evening, families will go out together to enjoy the glorious full moon and appreciate colourful lanterns and also solve the lantern riddles.


In some places of China, people even fly Kongming Lantern (孔明燈, as shown on the top right hand corner in my drawing) which their beautiful wishes are written.


元宵 (yuan xiao) is a traditional food made of glutinous rice flour. Glutinous rice flour is mixed with a small amount of water to form balls with sweet filling (e.g. Black sesame as shown in my drawing and peanuts or red beans) and is then cooked and served in boiling water.


This food is usually eaten together with family. The round shape of the balls and the bowls where they are served, come to symbolise the family togetherness and reunion.


This food is also known as Tang Yuan (湯圓). According to the legend, during the period of Yuan Shikai’s (袁世凱) rule from AD 1912 to 1916, he disliked the name Yuan Xiao (元宵) because it sounded identical to “remove Yuan” (袁消), and so he gave orders to change the name to Tang Yuan.


This day officially marks the end of Chinese New Year celebration.

