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聖誕節的由來耶穌的生日究競是哪一天,其實早無據可查.為什麽要把12月25日定為聖誕節呢?這是在5世紀中葉由教會規定的.公元354年,在“菲洛卡連”日歷中第一次寫明12月25日是耶穌的生日,到5世紀西方普遍接受了這個日期為聖誕節.The origin of Christmas,the birthday of Jesus is the one day competition study was,in fact not well documented.Why December 25 as Christmas,it?This is the mid-5th century provided by the church.The year 354,in the "Fei Luoka even" the first time stated in the calendar on December 25 is the birthday of Jesus,to the 5th century the West in general accepted the date for Christmas.
