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My Grandpa

"Don't throw that plastic box away! It can be used to hold some tiny gadgets." "But we have already saved a lot!" "Give it to me. One day eventually U 11 find a suitable place for it!" More than once my grandpa stops me when I endeavor to discard some pieces of "junk" stealthily, and more than once his "eloquence"makes me give in and involuntarily put the "junk" in its "suitable place. " This is my grandpa, an old man who has experienced the sufferings of the bygones. Years of thrifty life has helped him develop a habit of preserving everything, everything he thinks is useful. He tries to fit them into some places. Surprisingly, these "junk" can always find their position and function fairly well,holding small things, bolstering a wooden structure on which plants can grow, optimizing my bicycle so that it can operate better... But sometimes, some of these things are nasty. Grandpa also collects used clothes and socks. I seldom see him wearing new ones unless on an unusual occasion. When he is given some fashionable apparel, he will lay them in lethargy. And grandma is always arguing with him on this issue. In the meantime, he will present sets of adages of thrift to show her the importance of a provident life. Old people tend to retrospect. In the past century, China was ravaged a great deal. The older generation just could not forget about the arduous life they led at that time. What they were accustomed to can always find its way in today's life they are leading. The X generation of us must neither blame nor laugh at them.

簡 評 這是一篇人物描寫的佳作,篇幅短小,但幽默詼諧,栩栩如生。展現在我們面前的是一個心靈手巧、克勤克儉的祖父形象。作者從眾多的生活瑣事中選取了“廢物利用”這一看似最不起眼的小節,並以自己作為襯托,集中反映了從舊社會走來的老一代人勤儉節約,珍惜勞動成果的優良傳統與高尚品質。 作者文字功底深厚,語言嫻熟,用詞考究,結構緊密。開篇的對話運用恰當,生動逼真,直接點題。文末的總結更是點睛之筆,直抒胸臆,真實感人,對年輕一代有很好的啓迪和教育意義。
