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be patriotic 要愛國

it is the duty of every citizen to make the country rich and powerful (to make the country rich and strong is...). in order to accomplish this object one must be patriotic (love his country). i consider this an unchangeable truth.

how can a student love his country (be patriotic)? i find my answer very simple and clear. he must study hard and store up knowledge so as to serve his (the) country in the future. if every student can do according to what i said, the country will certainly be rich and powerful.

要使國家富強是每個公民的責任。為了達到此目的,必須愛國。我認為這是一條不易的定理。 一個學生如何才能愛國呢?我發覺答復很簡單明了。他必須用功讀書並積儲知識以便將來服務國家。如果每個學生能按照我所說的去做,國家一定會富強。
