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劉翔賽後感言(Liu Xiang post-game words expressing&

根據表格中的新聞線索,以“that must be a record”為題,寫一篇報道。

人物 劉翔 戰績 在雅典奧運會上以12秒91的驕人戰績,平了世界紀錄,創造了亞洲新紀錄 2004年9月22日,日本橫濱賽事劉翔以13秒31的成績擊敗了美國的allen johnson------前世界冠軍,世界紀錄保持者。 3、 2006年7月12日,在瑞士洛桑劉翔以12秒88的好成績打破了男子110米跨欄世界紀錄。 劉翔賽後感言 下一個目標是再打破這一賽事的世界紀錄。


that must be a record

as we all know, lixiang has been made many excellent records in all kinds of competitions. he gives us the spirit of lixiang, and he is the proud of china.

in the athens olympic games, lixiang break the world record with 12’91’’, and made the new asian record. in 9, 24, 2004, lixiang beat the allen johnson who made the world record in the past in yokohama competition in japan. then, liuxiang break the record again with the 12’88’’ in lausanna. liuxiang gives us so many surprises, and with his beautiful success, china has become more and stronger in hurdle race.

liuxiang is a person who has much potential and confident all the time. he said that his next aim is to break the world record again in the event. i believe, with his hardworking, he will make his dream come true, and he will make a more beautiful success in 2008 beijing olympic games.
