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報效祖國的博士(A Doctor Devoted to His Motherl

mr. xiang ming, d. sc①, returned to china in 1989 without hesitation.

“i"m a chinese. it"s my duty to devote all my life to my motherland②,” said he.mr. xiang ming, male, aged 39, is now working in beijing chemical works as a chief engineer.

after he graduated from beijing engineering college in 1980, he was sent to massachusetts institute of technology in the u. s. a. to study chemistry. in 1986 he received a doctor"s degree③. shortly after he gained fame in scientific research, the walsh company"s manager tried hard to employ him and promised to give him a good salary. but mr. xiang did not accept the employment.


①d. sc是 doctor of science的縮寫,意為“理學博士”。

②devote one"s life/oneself to something 為……而獻身

③“博士學位”的英語表達是“a doctor"s degree”;“獲得……學位”用“receive a…"s degree”來表達。例如,我們可以說“receive a bachelor"s/master"s degree”(獲得學士/碩士學位)。
