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饋贈信:贈友鋼筆-Giving a Friend a Pen as 









Giving a Friend a Pen as Present

Oct. 12, 1999

Dear Mary,

I am very sorry to hear that you will soon start to return to London. Although I am reluctant① to say good-bye to you, it is the sacred right② for you to go back to your motherland and hometown. During the few years when you have stayed in our class we have become best friends. And you have given me lots of help in my English studies. I should like to say many thanks for you. In order to keep our profound friendship for ever I would like to give you a very nice pen as present. Please accept it.

I hope you will never forget me and other boys and girls of our class after you return to Britain and often write to us.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ying


①reluctant [ri"l)kt+nt] a. 不願意的;勉強的

②sacred ["seikrid] right 神聖的權利


饋贈信(letters of making a present)是表示禮尚往來的一種書信。投桃報李,有時不但表示友愛,而且能永留紀念。這類書信要寫得誠懇、謙虛、熱情。格式要規範,詞句盡量使用正式文體,以表示鄭重其事。
