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介紹信:介紹聯系人找野營地-Help the Letter Bearer① Find&n



你校要搞一次暑期夏令營活動,聘請了一位擅長組織這類活動者,名叫Lee Graham。他打算在草山尋找營地。假定你是學校辦公室辦事員,請你給他出具一份介紹信,讓他持信去該地聯系。內容要點有:




④請求對方相信聯系人(liaison man)。


Help the Letter Bearer① Find a Camp

Office of No. 1 Middle School

June 25, 199__

To Whom it May Concern /Dear Mr. Gao,

The bearer of this letter, Mr. Lee Graham, has for several years been interested in organizing camps for boys who can afford to spend only a small amount on their summer vacation. This summer our school has employed him to do this work for our students. As he is considering locations for camps in Grass Mountain, I suggested that you were the man to help him, for you know every corner of the place.

I shall be happy if you can help Mr, Graham in any way. He is a fine man and has a most worthwhile② job on his hands.

Yours ever truly,

Xiao Wang


①bearer["be+r+]n. 帶信人,持信人

②worthwhile["w+:Iwal] a. 值得花時間或精力的


介紹信(letters of introduction)是使寫信人認識的人同另一人或多人相識的信件。可分私人介紹信和公務介紹信兩種。私人介紹信是寫信人向自己的親友介紹第三者,語氣比較隨便,格式也不講究。公務介紹信則是寫信人因公把自已的同事、同學或業務關系人介紹給某單位或個人。這種介紹信語言和格式比較規範、嚴謹。私人介紹信的稱呼可用對方的姓名,如我們選的這封信中的Mr.Gao;公務介紹信稱呼或不知姓名者用To Whom it May Concern,相當于漢語的“謹啓者”或“……(單位)負責同志”。


①May I take the liberty of asking you to…?

②Please favour me with an early reply.

③Will you please greatly oblige me by…?

④May I request your kindness to do a few things for me?

⑤I hope you will put the matter in your mind.
