首頁 範文 畢業論文 論文答辯




good morning, all appraises committee members.

i am ___ and my supervisor is ___. the title of my paper is____.

接下來,一般要做一個大概十分鍾的presentation 在答辯前可從以下角度去考慮準備答辯:

1、自己為什麽選擇這個課題? 2、研究這個課題的意義和目的是什麽? 3、全文的基本架構、基本結構是如何安排的? 4、全文的各部分之間邏輯關系如何? 5、在研究本課題的過程中,發現了那些不同見解?對這些不同的意見,自己是怎樣逐步認識的?又是如何處理的? 6、論文雖未論及,但與其較密切相關的問題還有哪些? 7、還有哪些問題自己還沒有搞清楚,在論文中論述得不夠透徹? 8、寫作論文時立論的主要依據是什麽?對以上問題應仔細想一想,必要時要用筆記整理出來,寫成發言提綱,在答辯時用。




(1)關于選題:如why did you choose this topic for your paper?或why were you interested in this project?


商務方向:swot,costing,flowchart,risk,stakeholder,如do you think this point a piece of weakness of the shop?或do you think this a necessary activity for the project?

(3)關于背景知識及理論知識:如what does swot stand for?(商務)

(4)關于論文存在的問題:如in the last sentence on page … there are some grammatical errors.

(5)關于項目或論文將來的發展:如:商務方向:if possible, will you carry out the project, and if so, do you think it will make profit?





1.能否聽懂並正確理解老師提問的主旨; 2.答辯是否深刻、有力和流暢; 3.對論文觀點闡述得是否透徹; 4.是否了解與論文有關的知識。 學生通過積極準備論文答辯不僅可以成長知識,溫故知新,而且可以拓寬和加深專業知識,提高自己的能力。

一些簡單可行的實例供學生參考: 考官開頭常問的一些問題:

1.w ill you please give us a self-introduction? 有些學生可能由于緊張沒聽清問題便開始背誦論文的內容,結果造成答非所問。

2.give us a presentation of your thesis.有些學生一聽到‘thesis’便詳細而又不理解地背誦其論文內容,在被打斷之後便不知該說什麽。其實,考官隻是想知道你對論文的整體了解,讓你簡單闡明自己論文的內容與觀點。

3.why do you choose such a theme?/w hat do you want the reader get from your thesis? 對于這個問題,你可以談談你的喜好,你想要讀者從中得到什麽。

4.w hat is the uniqueness of your point of view? 對于這個問題,你可以談談你的觀點與他人不同之處及原因。這就要求你有相關知識。


1.in your essay there is a sentence:"with the development of economics,it is necessary for the countries all over the world to communication with each other.”is there anything wrong with this sentence? or "another major difference in western countries,there is related to the traditional culture and religious belief marriage is generally related to them.”w hat is the meaning of this sentence?

考官問這一問題,是因為你的句子有明顯的文法錯誤。提醒你應該弄明白句子的基本文法,寫論文時應該認真細致。如果是筆誤,你應該馬上發現此句中的錯誤之處。economics應是economy,to communication with each other 應是 to communicate with each other,另一個句子應該是another major difference in the western marriage is related to their traditional culture and religious belief
